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Oh wow, I was looking for a way to fade in audio and this seems to be it.

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Do you think you’ll add the possibility to use 10% increments for the in-game audio settings? Great plugin btw

Здравствуйте. Заметил не доработку. Если Event находится не на локации, источник звука, то звук из этого объекта не воспроизводится

Если источник звука spawn на локации из карты event's, если источника звука нет нет изначально.

В комментарии прописанно <>, а звука нет

Hello there, will you be implementing a Stop Voice command?


It has been implemented. Available from version 1.08 and forward.

greetings, will it support also rpg maker mv?

Hi, I haven't supported MV myself, but I know a member of the RPG Maker Web community made a patch. I'm not sure if it runs without issues though, but you could check it out. Here's the link: 


amazing, thanks!